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Press Releases 2015

Arabian Cement Company announced the successful commissioning of its latest additions to its Alternative Fuel equipment


June 25, 2015


Today, Arabian Cement Company (ACC) announced the successful commissioning of the latest addition to the alternative fuel processing machinery at its plant, located in Suez Governorate. This state-of-the-art equipment, called “Hot Disc” allows ACC’s plant to rely completely on coal and alternative fuel to run its operations. Moreover, it enables the plant to operate its kilns using alternative fuel materials directly without the need to pretreat them.

ACC now has a designed fuel mix of 70% coal and 30% alternative fuels. The alternative fuel that will be used will be a mixture of agricultural wastes, municipal sludge, and RDF. Use of alternative fuel is expected to result in reducing emissions by approximately 60,000 tons of CO2/yr on average.



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